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Traffic Calming Program

Traffic Calming Programs
How do I get traffic calming measures implemented in my neighborhood?

Please contact your Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program Representative for more information on your specific neighborhood.

Contact your NCIP Rep

The City of Monterey initiated a comprehensive approach to neighborhood traffic calming to address a variety of traffic concerns expressed by local residents. The program is designed to provide consistent, citywide policies to neighborhood traffic management to ensure equitable and effective solutions.

Neighborhood traffic concerns include a wide range of issues from site specific safety concerns to neighborhood-wide concerns with cut-through traffic speeding through the neighborhood on one or more streets. The program outlined here summarizes the process the City will use to address neighborhood traffic concerns in Monterey.

Meeting Notes

Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Goals

  • Improve local residents’ sense of well-being about their neighborhood streets and enhance traffic safety in residential areas.
  • Evaluate Monterey’s neighborhood traffic problems and produce adopted plans for each residential neighborhood.
  • Provide a Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program format that is responsive to all neighborhoods in the City of Monterey.


  • Encourage positive driver behavior in residential neighborhoods.
  • Improve neighborhood livability by encouraging adherence to the speed limit.
  • Reduce speeds on residential streets without reducing safety.
  • Encourage citizen involvement through neighborhood workshops to identify concerns and calming devices for use in the neighborhood.
  • Provide a process that includes a clear opportunity for residents of the affected community to accept the plan.
  • Effectively balance the public safety interests, including traffic mitigation and emergency response. Any Neighborhood Traffic Calming Plan must clearly address provisions for emergency response.
  • Maintain emergency response routes by restricting the use of vertical devices.
  • Maintain capacity on collector and arterial streets.
  • Enhance and maintain primary visitor routes.
  • Integrate education, engineering, enforcement and enhancement.
  • Continually evaluate the public acceptance of the program.

Neighborhood Plans
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Plans by Neighborhood11 documents

  • Traffic Calming Program
    document seq 1.00
  • Alta Mesa
    document seq 2.00
  • Casanova Oak Knoll
    document seq 3.00
  • Deer Flats
    document seq 4.00
  • Del Monte Grove-Laguna Grande Update
    document seq 5.00
  • Fisherman Flats DRAFT
    document seq 6.00
  • Monterey Vista
    document seq 7.00
  • New Monterey
    document seq 8.00
  • Oak Grove
    document seq 9.00
  • Old Town
    document seq 10.00
  • Villa Del Monte
    document seq 11.00