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North Fremont Specific Plan

North Fremont Specific Plan Adopted Apr 1, 2014; amended Aug 17, 2016

NFremont-Specific-Plan-Implementation-Update2017-CoverThe North Fremont Specific Plan (hereinafter, “Specific Plan”) serves as a guide for future development along North Fremont Street, an area identified by the General Plan as a “Mixed-Use Village”, which is a mix of residences, retail shops, services and jobs in close proximity. These areas are designed to be well served by transit and bicycle routes and have a welcoming pedestrian environment.

I want to...
The General Plan anticipates a development potential of 130 dwelling units on North Fremont Street. As of the adoption of this Specific Plan, no residential development has occurred to be applied towards the 130 dwelling unit cap. This Specific Plan assumes that new development will utilize existing water consistent with Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Rules on water transfers between properties. As a result, 130 dwelling units and 50,000 square feet of new commercial development is assumed. Therefore, based on an analysis of existing water credits within the Planning Area, the assumed buildout potential for the Planning Area is 50,000 square feet of commercial uses and 130 dwelling units. Once this amount of new development is constructed, the City will update the General Plan and the Specific Plan accordingly. See the 2017 Implementation Update.
The Specific Plan
The Specific Plan is a unique and effective tool for implementing General Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs. General Plan Goals, Policies and Programs that this Specific Plan strives to implement include:

Goal b. Direct future population growth into mixed use neighborhoods. The City’s goal is to create and nurture mixed use neighborhoods that: 1) Reduce automobile trips; 2) Improve the quality of the pedestrian experience; 3) Create walkable neighborhoods; 4) Provide more ownership opportunities; 5) Increase the stock of housing affordable to Monterey’s work force; 6) Require high-quality design to complement Monterey’s image; and 7) Improve neighborhood- oriented services.

Policy b.1. Create design concepts, development guidelines, and capital improvement programs for mixed use neighborhoods. Emphasize attractive pedestrian, bicycle and transit access, which may require improved sidewalks, crosswalks, and various public way improvements. The City encourages owner occupied units, innovative site planning and tailoring the design and density to fit with the neighborhood. Mixed use developments are encouraged to be attractive in design, hide parking from the street, create a pleasant pedestrian environment, and provide a transition into the residential zones through good site planning and design.

Program b.1.4. North Fremont Street. Develop Mixed Use Neighborhood Guidelines for North Fremont Street in the North Fremont Street Area Plan. The plan will emphasize mixed use development, improved pedestrian experience and connections to the neighborhood, and bus transportation. Ownership residential units are preferred. Building sites should provide the required parking or a shared parking plan be developed due to the limited supply of on-street parking and high traffic volumes along North Fremont Street. Guidelines should encourage pedestrian activity that will result in a safe and secure North Fremont Street. Guidelines should address impacts on adjacent residential areas.

Goal c. Provide a safe, efficient, well-maintained, and environmentally sound roadway system that supports an equality of choice among all modes of transportation.
Goal f. Provide an attractive and convenient transit service for Monterey citizens, especially those in the community who cannot or choose not to own a private automobile.
Goal g. Provide a transportation system that supports the local economy.
Policy g.1. Provide pedestrian-friendly environments in the commercial business districts to extend the time spent in the commercial business districts and enhance the overall shopping experience.
Policy g.2. Do not allow auto-oriented level-of- service standards to negatively affect the shopping experience in commercial business districts.
Policy g.6. Improve the pedestrian environment along North Fremont Street.

This Specific Plan replaces the North Fremont Area Plan with a more comprehensive strategy for the enhancement of this commercial corridor as mixed-use neighborhood. The Specific Plan provides tools beyond the capabilities of the Area Plan, such as area-specific development standards and design guidelines, and an inventory of existing and proposed improvements to the neighborhood’s infrastructure.

The Financing and Implementation chapter identifies potential funding sources for proposed rights-of- way improvements. Funding may include grants, assessment districts, or a combination thereof. This chapter also recommends a strategy for obtaining the necessary funding to meet the project recommendations.

Under California law, local governments can use Specific Plans as tools to plan for needed revitalization and change, both in existing neighborhoods and new development areas. Specific Plans provide greater planning and design guidance than can be included in a General Plan, and they allow local governments the ability to address complex land ownership patterns and infrastructure needs. Specific Plans can jump-start new development in depressed areas, and can ensure that the public gets the quality it desires in any new development.

The planning process for the North Fremont Specific Plan included several community meetings within the North Fremont business district as well as the adjacent residential neighborhoods. The community meeting participants were led through various exercises to define planning issues, identify opportunities, and solicit input on draft plan concepts. A Planning Commission Ad Hoc Committee also reviewed and commented on the plan at each stage of its development.

Regional and Local Setting
The North Fremont Specific Plan area is located in the City of Monterey, an ocean side community that is recognized nationally for its historic setting. The Monterey Bay, a National Marine Sanctuary, borders the Downtown, and offers a plethora of boating, whale watching and kayaking opportunities. Monterey’s resident population is approximately 30,000 persons. It is a frequent and favorite destination of San Francisco Bay residents.

Specific Plan Area
The North Fremont Specific Plan Planning Area (Planning Area) consists of approximately 47.7 acres encompassing both sides of the 0.87 mile North Fremont Street from the eastern City Limits west to State Highway 1. This area, designated by the City’s General Plans as one of three planned “Mixed-Use Neighborhoods”, is strategically located between two state highways (Highways 1 and 218) and is in close proximity to the Monterey Peninsula Airport and Highway 68 (Figure 1).

The Planning Area is bordered by the City Limits and State Highway 218 to the east, State Highway 1 to the west, and Fairgrounds Road and Bruce Lane to the south. The northern boundary consists of the back of parcels adjacent to North Fremont Street. Access to the Planning Area is provided to the east by Fremont Boulevard near State Highway 218 (Canyon Del Rey), State Highway 1, southbound State Highway 68, and through the intersecting Casa Verde Way, Dela Vina, Ramona, Hannon and Casanova streets.

Surrounding land uses include multi- and single- family residences to the north and south, the Monterey Airport further to the south, the Monterey County Fairgrounds and the Navy golf course to the south west, and the City of Seaside to the east. These surrounding features were given great consideration throughout the development of the Specific Plan.


also see this interactive ARC GIS Map: