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Land Use Plans, Regulations, Studies

This page provides a comprehensive list of all land use and development regulations that may be applied to a project.

General Plan
California State law requires that each city adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the area under its jurisdiction. This general plan must include seven elements that together compose an integrated set of goals, policies, and action programs. These seven required elements are land use, circulation, housing, conservation, open space, safety, and noise. In addition, a city may adopt optional elements that relate to the physical development of the community.

The renowned scenic environment of Monterey and the Peninsula stems from its two dominant features: the coastline and the central ridge of wooded hills. The preservation of these two features is essential to maintain the scenic character of the Peninsula. Goals and policies focus on preserving and enhancing Monterey’s aesthetic environment, and were developed around two central concepts: Monterey’s special physical setting and its image as a town.

Monterey’s image is that of a small-scale residential community beside the bay, framed by a forested hill backdrop and drawing its charm from a rich historical background, certain commercial enterprises, and natural scenic beauty.

The documents are also available for review at the Monterey Public Library, 625 Pacific St, and the Planning Division, 580 Pacific St, at Colton Hall. These digital files are provided for informational purposes only and may differ in layout to the official printed document.

General Plan w/o Figures (125 pages) General Plan Final EIR
Map 1- Planning Area
Map 2- Special Places
Map 3- Land Use
Map 4- Mixed Use Neighborhoods
Map 5- Street Classifications
Map 6- Visitor Routes
Map 7- Truck Routes
Map 8- Special Species
Map 9- Habitat Management
Map 10- Parks, Recreation & Open Spaces
Map 11- Seismic Hazards
Map 12- Slopes
Map 13- Flood Zones
Map 14- Fire Hazard Severity Zones
Map 15- Evacuation Routes
Map 16- Noise Contours
Map 17- Airport Noise Contours
General Plan Draft EIR
Fig. 1- Regional Location
Fig. 2- Project Vicinity
Fig. 3- Planning Area
Fig. 4- Land Use Plan Map
Fig. 5- Mixed Use Commercial Neighborhoods
Fig. 6- Major Habitat Types
Fig. 7- Special Status Species Occurrences
Fig. 8- Archeological Sensitivity Map
Fig. 9- Local Faults
Fig. 10- Slopes Greater than 25 Percent
Fig. 11- Fire Hazard Zones
Fig. 12- Emergency Evacuation Routes
Fig. 13- Flood Hazard Zones
Fig. 14- Airport Noise Contours
Fig. 15- 2020 Projected Noise Levels
Fig. 16- Parks, Recreation & Open Space

land use plans

Commercial Plans
Cannery Row Conservation District
Downtown Specific Plan
East Del Monte Avenue Area Plan
Lighthouse Specific Plan
Lower Presidio Master Plan
North Fremont Specific Plan
Ryan Ranch Area Plan
Waterfront Master Plan
Neighborhood Plans
Casanova/Oak Knoll Area Plan
Del Monte Grove Area Plan
Highway 68 Area Plan
New Monterey Area Plan
Oak Grove Area Plan
Old Town Area Plan
Villa del Monte Neighborhood Revitalization Plan
Coastal Plans
Cannery Row Coastal Land Use Plan
Del Monte Beach Coastal Land Use Plan
Laguna Grande/Roberts Lake Land Use Plan
Monterey Harbor Coastal Land Use Plan
Skyline Coastal Land Use Plan

Implementing Plans
Monterey on the Move
Monterey Peninsula Recreation Trail- Policies/Standards for Adjacent Redevelopment

historic preservation - see web page

Design Standards and Guidelines, and Zoning

Vehicle Miles Traveled